Sunday, May 2, 2010


Lucy Rodenberg was received into the fellowship of First Congregational Church on May 2nd. She was warmly embraced by a full congregation of family, friends and members who pledged support and love to her as she joins with us in service. Congratulations Lucy, we are happy to have you as part of our congregation.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Daughters, Mothers and Others Brunch

The fourth annual Daughters, Mothers and Others Brunch was held at the church fellowship hall on Saturday, May 1, at 9:30am. Yes, the food was really served by the men of the church. Some of the ladies prepared the quiche the previous afternoon and the men finished in the morning. Jim Arvidson provided the entertainment. He played his six-string guitar and a 12-string and sang. The ladies sure seemed to enjoy his performance. The brunch was sponsored by the R.E. Committee. I think the men had a good time working and fellowshipping together, too.